About Me

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I am a mum to three beautiful kids and wife to a gorgeous man. We live on the fabulous NW coast of Tasmania, and this is a slice of my life - kids, adoption, family, dogs, chooks, God and more!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

What's Under the Bucket????!!!!

No exciting prizes or giveaways, but I would love to hear your thoughts. I will let you know tomorrow if anyone guesses correctly!!!


  1. Haha! Is it a huntsman? Huntsmen require very heavy rocks like that in my opinion!!!

  2. I agree completely Fiona - preferably the large rock on top of the huntsman in a repeated up and down fashion!! But unfortunately, not the correct answer. And Isabelle, good guess but not quite right!! xxx

  3. OK, I will put you out of suspense - it was a horrid, big and very aggressive copperhead snake!!! Our very brave dog alerted us to it, and my lovely husband encouraged it to go under the bucket until the snake guy came to remove it. Thanks for guessing!!!

  4. ewwwwwwwwwwww!!!! again. That rock wasn't nearly large enough!
